Tag Archive | "gesture"

Laboratory video 2/3; Stress Test and Reliability gesture recognition

This is the second video of a collection of three videos. This second one is a video of the first gesture control hood in the world in a Teka hood DVT- 985 B.

After years of research and development as always in a marked and only innovative area, we present our latest technological development; within our area of control gesture technology. Here is, the first hood controlled with gestures in the world. We have implemented for the first time with an industrial use in the Teka DVT-985 B hood. From here we thank Teka and its professionals for their apreciated cooperation.

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In this video, you’ll see a stress test and reliability in the gesture recognition system, this new gesture control technology. In is subjected to the hood at a repeated sequence of random movements in very short time to appreciate how the system will gesture following and executing user requests and in that moment fails or does not recognize the gesture. These are the results and test conditions.

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Posted in Gestural Devices, VideosComments (32)

Introductory gesture technology

The first control device of a machine from the point of view of the machine-man interaction HMI was the switch and buttons , for example to turn on/off the machine, activate a light, a movement or a particular function. Technology evolved and the same functions were replaced by touch technology in which touching a surface in a given position, were made including, the same functions described above.

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